Windows 8.1 Enterprise 17031 x86 EN-RU-CN-smS Global Win2014. 3. 21. 05:09
LITE Ver. 입니다.
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언젠가는 좋은 것으로 여러분과 나눔을 할 수 있는 때도 있겠지요...
Windows 8.1 Enterprise 17031 x86 EN-smS
with 8.1 AERO Glass Theme & PE & Portables & reg.
on VMware® Workstation 9.0.3 build-1410761
테스트 설치작업 진행 완료합니다.
Source : Ent.8.1.17031.x86-x64.EN-RU-CN-smS.iso (2.11GB)
1st 준비단계 : Win-8 x64 PE RM-X (2013-09-13) Booting.
중복폴더와 파일 정리 및 삭제
실컴-VM간 마우스 활성.^^
2nd 설치단계 : Install from the install.wim by WinNTSetup V3.
실컴-VM간 마우스 활성.^^
3rd 설정단계 : System Setting
실컴-VM간 마우스 활성.^^
4th 추가작업 : Themes, Portables, Setting, etc.
실컴-VM간 마우스 활성.^^
1st 준비단계 : Win-8 x64 PE RM-X (2013-09-13) Booting.
2nd 설치단계 - Installed by WinNTSetup
3rd 설정단계 : System Setting
4th 추가작업 - System Tweak Setting
제작자 제공 스샷
Windows 5.0 Enterprise 6.3.9600.17031. WINBLUE x 86-x 64 EN-RU-CN SMS by Lopatkin (2014)
Release year: 2014
Version: Windows 8. Enterprise 6.3.9600.17031 1. WINBLUE
Platform: x 86-x 64
Compatibility with Vista: complete
System requirements:
CPU-1 ggz
RAM-2 gb-1
HDD-5-8 gb
Video-DirectX 9.0 c
1024 x 768 Display
Language: English, Russian, Chinese
Crack: Not Available
Thank you for the poster ronx ...
Mini assemblies from the shop (Super Mini Store) on the basis of Enterprise x 86-x 64 EN 9600.16384.RTM, integrated all upgrade to kernel 17031, added Russian and Chinese 17031, included Framework 3.5. There is no underground applications (except cards), other languages, drivers, and the winsxs cache ...
There is a shop, luggage, maps, settings, home. Group and network connection through a remote slave. table, group policy, smart card, recovery,
PowerShell screen. keyboard, mail, indexing, printing, XPS, free download, Web browser and music player ...
Install only the English pickets from the BIOS to "Press any key to BootCD". Specify a different format.
Switch between different languages using the Control Panel, language, region ... After switching the whole interface is translated and underground applications that remain
in the primary language of English (news, sports, weather ...) removed. Added languages means the system will not delete (no winsxs cache).
Images 32-64 bits are the same ...
From the WIM file-drivers for modems (in addition to basic and Nokia), printers (HP, GE, OLED, MS), all applications (except cards), Ashton Kutcher, handwritten text, Defender, other languages, Hyper-V, Internet Information Services (IIS), TFTP protocols, winsxs cache ...
Left shop, luggage, maps, settings, home. Group and network connection through a remote slave. table, group policy, smart card, restore, print grid, XPS, indexing (off in Services), speech, mail, screen. keyboard, browser and player (base), one theme, wallpaper, PowerShell, registration for the LiveID.
From the image deleted graphic Installer ...
Paging, hibernation, indexing (in)-disabled UAC on a minimum for work shop, cards, cameras and ImmersiveBrowser. Added Framework 3.5.
Before installing the printer put on the machine and start the print spooler service ...
The install from disk or pendrive pickets from the BIOS to "Press any key to BootCD" ... Register for Live ID key is required. KMS activation.
Editorial indices:
1- Windows 8. 1 Enterprise x 64
Files: 61042
Folders: 4466
Size after unpacking: 4997 MB
2- Windows 8. 1 Enterprise x 86
Files: 41626
Folders: 3853
Size after unpacking: 3263 MB
CRC32: 07726FC7
MD5: A4E7F9AC3F3FFD38A9C092888DD5A61E
SHA-1: B88392FBD936BC5FC9955087FF54853AA6EE0CDA
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