2018. 7. 11. 15:06
[단일][ko] Google Earth PRO x64 Portable Single by k-style™ Utility/Portable AppZ2018. 7. 11. 15:06
Portable Single by k-style™
Google Earth PRO x64
Google Earth PRO x64 Portable Single by k-style™.exe (42.6MB)
Install Google Earth Pro
Install Earth Pro on Windows
1.Download Google Earth Pro.
GoogleEarthProWin-x64.exe (61.5MB)
2.Double-click the file and follow the installation process.
3.To open Google Earth Pro, click Start and then Programs and then Google Earth Pro. Then, click Google Earth Pro.
Source : https://support.google.com/earth/answer/21955?hl=en&ref_topic=4363014