[단일][ko] Registry First Aid Platinum 11.3.0 2576 Portable & Single by k-style™ Utility/Portable AppZ2019. 3. 11. 21:43
Portable & Single by k-style™
Registry First Aid Platinum 11.3.0 Build 2576
Registry First Aid Platinum 11.3.0 2576 x64 Portable & Single by k-style™.exe (2.54MB)
rfasetup.exe (8.89MB)
New in version 11.3.0 (3/9/2019)
+ new "Scan Options" page in the Settings Dialog with options how to scan and backup registry;
* many interface enhancements;
* Registry Restore: default sorting of backup files by Date Created - recent date at the top, remembering last sorted column and sort direction;
* now free trial will scan and fix all entries in some registry categories; a full set of registry categories is avaiable in registered version;
* some language files updated;
(+) a feature is added
(*) a feature is improved/changed
(-) a bug is fixed
Home : http://www.registry-repair-software.com/