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2017. 4. 1. 16:39

MultiBoot 2k10 7.6 Unofficial PE-USB2017. 4. 1. 16:39



MultiBoot 2k10 7.6 Unofficial



G:\MultiBoot 2k10 7.6 Unofficial










Multiboot disk system administrator, is based on the BOOTMGR boot (Windows 8.1.1), Isolinux/Syslinux v. 4.06 and Grub4Dos v. 0.4.6 a. The drive consists of a large number of products, ob'edinjonnyh liner with vozmozhnost'ju boot CD/DVD, USB Flash Drive, USB-HDD and conventional HDD. The main purpose-preparation of HDD, OS installation (with the vozmozhnost'ju install Win 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7-WinNTSetup utilities, installation packages in an Assembly not included!), create/expand, system image restore/copy data, resuscitation and recovery operating system boot, cleaning the OS from viruses/Trojans and blockers/pornobannerov, testing core components of the RS and more. There is a support network with vozmozhnost'ju Internet and multimedia support. There are vozmozhnost' use the greater part of the programmes of the Assembly as "portable" (fully portable, they are not, it is simply samoraspakovka in catalog marketing TEMR with autoenrollment) and a convenient way to connect software package Assembly for use in a normal OS or other RE-assemblies.


Work with computer:
A computer with 128 MB of RAM or higher, CD/DVD drive or USB interface.

Multiboot 2 k 10 7.6 Unofficial torrent, changes and additions:
Additional information
Multiboot 2 k 10 (for DVD).
C9PE MultiMedia 2 k 10 Plus Pack (separate repair authoring Assembly for CD).


How to create bootable DVD disc or USB Flash/USB HDD
1. For CD/DVD:

You need a program to capture images-for example, Nero Burning ROM. run the program recorder-> burn image, specify the image file, ensure that it is marked "close disc" and the write method "Disc-At-Once (DAO). Drive with other recording settings will not load! For Nero also recommended "enable generation of short Lead Out" (file-> options-> expert features), this reduces recording time, accelerate the time of recognition of the compact and slightly increase the "capacity" of the disc. Write speed-minimum within reasonable limits. Recommend 8-16 x for CD-RW drives or 4 x for DVD. The principle is as follows: slower write-> faster (more reliable) read.
You can also use other programs, allowing to burn images (such as UltraISO, Alcohol 120, ...).


2. Install the Assembly to the stick:

MultiBoot 2k10 7.6 Unofficial
Attention! Many utilities (for example, the standard windows format) are not fully formatted USB flash drive, they see that it is, and do not touch the areas that they seem to be correct. It is therefore advisable to first clear stick, for example using RMPrepUSB, HDD Low Level Format Tool or run test on record any of the utilities FlashNull, Check Flash, HD Tune Pro Flash Memory Toolkit Pro, it's guaranteed to kill the markup and formatting will cause the program to make everything from scratch. After cleaning, be sure the "peredjornut'" USB flash drive and run it after formatting validation using CheckDisk (2 k 10 \Programs-2k10\HDD-Utilites\). If errors repeat cleanup and formatting pendrive. If you use formatting using BootICE-> Manage-> Parts manual ReFormat USB disk, then this extra operation. Bootice when formatting automatically makes clear.
2.1 you must format the USB flash drive (Note: all data on the USB flash drive will be destroyed). This is to ensure that the Flash Bios perceived as USB-HDD, from which you can boot the operating system. If the stick/screw already used as bootable, you can skip this paragraph. It is recommended that you format the memory stick with FAT32 (file system it works longer and more stable), but if necessary, you can use NTFS (faster "kills" USB flash drive requires "safely remove" but supports files larger than 4 GB). This is best done using RMPrepUSB (is in the Assembly on the way 2 k 10 \Programs-2k10\Flash-Utilites\RMPrepUSB or from P2Start. exe "program 2 k 10 \ USB Flash utility"). This utility creates as close as possible to the screw geometry on a flash drive. If you select the Boot as HDD (c: 2PTNS), on a flash drive, you will create two partitions (second minimum size for maximum simulate the screws). But I don't recommend using this option, this flash drive will "veil" appliances (TVs with Flash Player, players, etc.). It is quite enough to do as in the figure.


Alternative methods of formatting the pendrive (instead of 2.1)
2.1.1 Formatiruem USB flash drive using HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool (is in the Assembly on the way 2 k 10 \Programs-2k10\Flash-Utilites\HPUSBFW\ or section menu, USB-Flash utilities), you can use quick format. On some PCs may not work (on a flash drive is incorrectly connected loader). If it works, can be used for both FAT32 and NTFS.
2.1.2 Formatiruem USB flash drive using BootICE (2 \Programs-2k10\Flash-Utilites\BootICE\). It is recommended that you format like this: BootICE (select the USB flash drive)-> Manage-> Parts manual ReFormat USB disk-> USB-HDD mode (Single Partition)-Align to sectors: 2048-> Next-> FAT32 (NTFS)-> OK. Also does not work always, I have a downloader connects correctly only with NTFS.
2.1.3. Use FBInstTool (2 \Programs-2k10\Flash-Utilites\FBInstTool\). Utility for non-standard formatting Flash drives, creates a special type (USB-ZIP or USB-HDD). Select the USB flash drive (focus on size!), noted in the formatting options:-raw-force format.
2.1.4 Use script FlashFormat_2k10_FBinst (2 \Programs-2k10\Flash-Utilites\FBinst-FF\). Utility for non-standard formatting Flash drives, creates a special type (USB-ZIP + USB-HDD). Select the USB flash drive (focus on size!), use method 7. RAW FORMAT, format.
The script automatically perepodkljuchaet flash drive so "distorting" her after formatting is not needed.
2.1.5 to format pendrive with automatic loader connection it is recommended to use XORBOOT scripts:
and FlashFormat_2k10_FBinst 1-way) (up to 2 GB pendrive under FAT16) or mode 2 (Flash 4-32 GB with FAT32). Support USB-ZIP. On older systems will only boot from WinXP-PE.
b) FlashFormat_2k10_FBinst 5-way (up to 2 GB pendrive under FAT16) or 6 (Flash 4-32 GB with FAT32). Support USB-ZIP + USB-HDD. On older systems will boot only Win7-PE.
-FlashFormat_2k10_RMprep) apply if the required support NTFS, use method 5 (Flash drives of any size). Support only USB-HDD.
Scripts automatically perepodkljuchajut flash drive so "distorting" her after formatting is not needed.
Scripts can be used as under OS and Assembly (any), they automatically connect XORBOOT in MBR (sector 63, PBR is ignored). Immediately after formatting the drive, you can check the capacity (XORBOOT) under any virtualkoj (e.g., MobaLive).
2.2. when formatting is complete, remove the USB flash drive and plug again.
2.3 you must add to stick the Assembly files-folders, EFI and 2 file P2Start.exe. The bootmgr file on a flash drive/HDD is not used, so its not a copy. You can unpack them from image using 7-zip, WinRar, Total Commander, FAR MANAGER, UltraISO or copy from any mounted virtualkoj for CD/DVD virtual drive to the root of the USB drive. If you format the pendrive produced scripts-bootable ready (XORBOOT loader is connected).
Faster will first decompress the contents to a temporary folder on my HDD, and then copy everything from it to the stick-checked repeatedly experience. You can also mount the image as a virtual CD-ROM and copy from it-the same effect. If the pendrive is produced under the loaded assembly, convenient to mount the image using ImDisk (RMB on image, "Mount ...").
The primary boot loader, if desired, you can set/change at any moment, as in a normal OS and any RE-Assembly (using SetLDR-2 k 10 2 k 10 folder).

2.4 the use of Syslinux loader/Grub4Dos/BOOTMGR/XORBOOT using SetLDR-2 k 10 for Flash/HDD:
You need to make a USB flash drive bootable. Go to the folder 2 k 10 \ on the Flash drive, run the SetLDR utility-2 k 10 and set the desired assembly loader 2 k 10. Checkbox (right inscriptions Xorboot)-allows you to optionally set XORBOOT intermediate loader for BOOTMGR/GRLDR (it will immediately download the latest). Also, the utility checks the right start (If UAC is active), the presence of downloaders, and allows you to make a partition active (if necessary).


3. Installation to a USB/USB-HDD/HDD:
3.1 Screw need to format any program to split a HDD, create a primary active/boot partition, suitable size (at least 2 GB). Choose the FAT32 file system, but if necessary, you can use NTFS.
If the HDD is used to transfer data in parallel, conveniently happens to break it down like this: do two primary partition (if you need more sections, but definitely the first and the last, under the Assembly-raw in the Middle can be logical). The first section of formatiruem to fit your needs in FAT32/NTFS/... size Bowl screw minus 3-5 GB. The second (or the last section, under Assembly)-be sure to do active/boot under FAT32. In this section we set Assembly. Why so? The easiest way-if you want to delete a partition with an Assembly, or vice versa, increase under this section, the operation will be QUICKLY made using almost any Manager disks without data loss on first sections.
P. S. If you are using NTFS Syslinux loader loading problems are possible, therefore, we recommend that you do a breakdown/pererazbivku USB/HDD using the Paragon HDM.
3.2 Perform the Assembly is copied to the active partition on the HDD (similar to section 2.3) and the loader connection (section 2.4).


Alternative methods using Grub4Dos boot loader using BootICE (2012) for Flash/HDD:pic


1. WEE Loader. Put completely in the MBR (PBR), took 63 sectors (outside!). There is a built-in menu (you can edit when you install), allowing you to locate and load NTLDR, BOOTMGR, GRLDR, ... In connection with nonstandard is not recommended for a generic stick, but very handy, for example, as a Boot Manager on the system drive.
2. the GRUB4DOS MBR (PBR), took 18 sectors (outside!). Immediately starts GRLDR. In connection with nonstandard is not recommended for universal stick.
3A. USB-HDD + MBRGRUB4DOS, registration in the PBR. A good option is and runs on most Flash drives, especially is suitable under FAT32.
3B. USB-HDD + MBRNTLDR, registration in the PBR. When you install either pereimenovyvaem at the root of a drive is tough loader NTLDR or specify the name when the submission GRLDR PBR (see picture). A good option is the same as 3A.
3 c. USB-HDD + MBR, BOOTMGR residence in the PBR. When you install either pereimenovyvaem bootloader is tough at the root of the drive on BOOTMGR, or you can specify the name GRLDR (or GRUBMGR for Assembly) when registration in the PBR. A good option is the same as 3A.
4B. Windows NT 5. x MBR MBRNTLDR, registration in the PBR. When you install either pereimenovyvaem at the root of a drive is tough loader NTLDR or specify the name when the submission GRLDR PBR (see picture). A good option for zagruzhaemosti on different hardware, but the media rarely works (depends on-chip Flash drive?), especially under FAT32.
5 c. Windows NT 6. x MBR MBR, BOOTMGR residence in the PBR. When you install either pereimenovyvaem bootloader is tough at the root of the drive on BOOTMGR, or you can specify the name GRLDR (or GRUBMGR for Assembly) when registration in the PBR. A great option for zagruzhaemosti on different hardware, some media may not work with FAT32 (depends on-chip Flash drive?). Implemented SetLDR utility-2 k 10.
My recommendations: for Flash drives, if you do not want to transfer files larger than 4 GB, try to install the SetLDR utility-2 k 10, check out the download at MobaLive. If does not work-use NTFS + SetLDR-2 k 10 or Setup option by using BootICE-3 c (3A, 3B-they are almost identical) to FAT32.


How to create a bootable USB flash drive 2 k 10 using Rufus
To create a bootable USB drive first necessarily properly format the USB flash drive (so it was perceived in the Bios as USB-HDD-device from which you can boot.


The easiest and fastest way to create a bootable USB drive-use utility Rufus. Select the USB flash drive (1), the scheme of section (2), file system (3, FAT32, or NTFS, FAT32 is recommended-as stores resource Flash cell), if you want to change the label of the USB flash drive (4). In the format options (5) expand additional settings and note (6.7 -optional, but recommended for older PCs). Note (8.9), choose an image of the Assembly (10) and remove the bird (11 -to at the root of the USB drive was not created autorun.inf). Again check the correctness of a choice of Flash (1) and image (12) click Start (13). To expedite the process, you can temporarily disable AntiVir.
After creating the USB drive it fully ready for use. But for faster loading, we recommend that you connect the desired utility loader SetLDR-2 k 10.
To install the correct bootloader from Assembly 2 k 10, after preparing Flash SetLDR utility-2 k 10 2 k 10 from a folder.
Some antivirus/OS can block the installation of Grub4Dos boot loader or BOOTMGR. If this happens, boot from the CD and install the Assembly to the desired or get this operation on another PC (where the AntiVir is not as aggressive)!
If the Assembly is a previous version is already available on a flash drive, simply delete the folder 2 k 10 from USB flash drive and add a new one from the hand, and then connect the loader utility SetLDR-2 k 10.


List of programs in the Assembly
USB driver PLOP v. 5.0.11
Plus Pack C9PE (@conty9) 2 k 10
WinPE 7x86 Live (@Xemom1) Special Edition 2 k 10
WinPE 7x64 Live (@Xemom1) Special Edition 2 k 10
WinPE 8 x 86 Live (@Xemom1) Special Edition 2 k 10
WinPE 8x64 Live (@Xemom1) Special Edition 2 k 10
WinPE 10x86 Live (@Xemom1) Multilingual Edition 2 k 10
WinPE 10x64 Live (@Xemom1) Multilingual Edition 2 k 10
Parted Magic 2016.07.12/Linux Live-CD/
Linux version of Acronis DDH v. 12.0.3270 (rus)

Linux version of Acronis TIES v. 9.7.8398 (rus)

Linux version of Acronis TI Premium 2014 v. 17.0.6673 (rus)

Linux version of Acronis Universal Restore v. 11.5.38938 (rus)

Linux version of Acronis Advanced B&R v. 11.5.39029 (rus)

Linux-Acronis Snap Deploy version v. 5.0.1416 (rus)

Linux version of Acronis Align Tool for WD/Hitachi v. 2.0.154 (eng)

Linux version of Paragon HDM 12 v. (rus)

Linux version of Paragon HDM 15 v. (rus)

Linux version of Partition Wizard Server Edition MiniTool v. 9.1 (eng)

Linux-version of R-Studio Emergency v. 7.1.555 (eng/rus)

Linux-version of R-Drive Image v. 6.0.6003 (eng/rus)

Linux version TeraByte Image for Linux v. 3.05 (eng)

DOS-version of Acronis TIES v. 9.7.8398 (rus)

DOS-version of Paragon HDM 15 v. (rus)

DOS-version of Hiren's Boot CD 9.4 (rus)

A large set of different DOS utilities, and much more.


Installing Windows XP/8/7/10/8/10 from an Assembly
In the Assembly, there are different ways to install Windows.

Some installation methods, including using addons, painted in the file 2k10\GRUB4DOS\WINXP.txt, as well as in 2k10\Programs-2k10\-Help-\2k10-FAQ.chm. Consider one of them.

Installing Windows 8/7/10/8/10 with pendrive from folder _WIN \

To do this, put the Windows installation packages to the appropriate folders:
_WIN folder \ addon must be at the root of the bootable USB drive/HDD.
_WIN folder \/installation files Windows images can appear separately at the root of any drive/partition your HDD/USB-HDD.
Extract from their image with Windows 7/8/8.5/10 (3 x 32/x 64) from the Sources subfolder in the appropriate install.wim/install.esd/install.swm file addon under Windows Edition 8/7/10/8/10:

for Windows 7 x 86-> _WIN folder \ Windows 7 x 32
for Windows 7 x 64-> _WIN folder \ 7x64
for Windows 7 x 86-x 64-> _WIN folder \ 7AIO
for Windows 8 x 86-> _WIN folder \ 8132
for Windows x 64 8-> _WIN folder \ 8164
8 Windows x 86-x 64-> _WIN folder \ 8AIO
for Windows x 86 10-> _WIN folder \ 1032
for Windows x 64 10-> _WIN folder \ 1064
for Windows x 86-x 64 10-_WIN folder > \ 10AIO

What, if any, $ $OEM folder and the file unattend.xml (true for Windows assemblies).
In the menu/submenu Grub4Dos-> DOS-Windows installation "addon will appear automatically.
In the menu and BCD BCD-EFI menu it also registered.

These subfolders are registered in scripts run plants in boot8x86.wim and in boot8x64.wim. If you lack these subfolders, then their example can add their subfolders (with their names) under your Windows distributions and then run additional installation using the utility 78Setup or WinNTSetup. After adding these folders Setup file install.wim/install.esd/install.swm, in a text file install.wim.txt/install.esd.txt/install.swm.txt propisyvaete the name of your installation, and these names will appear in the list, the 78Setup utility.
Other installation files install.wim/install.esd/install.swm (which for example are in a totally different folder on another partition or disk) can be selected and run utility window using the button: "choose the archive manually.
Add your own images (.ISO) _WIN folder setup disks, _ISO, 2k10\User.Image and these images will appear in the list, the 78Setup utility. The rest of the images, you can choose to install and run the utility window using the button: "Select image".

For installations of Windows loader uses two boot8x86.wim and boot8x64.wim
(C) using the (x 86) installs the boot loader of Windows any bit depth from any subfolders (only in download mode Legacy BIOS).
(C) through (x 64) installs the boot loader only (x 64)-bit Windows (boot mode Legacy BIOS and EFI boot mode/UEFI).
The EFI boot-mode/UEFI boot loader using only boot8x64.wim (64)-bit Windows and only drive with markup GPT.
If you do not need to install the EFI boot-mode/UEFI, you generally can be used for all installations only (x 86) boot8x86.wim loader.
Detailed instructions and Sam addon for neoficialki ~ 2k10_Unofficial-WIN7-10 ~ you can take here.


Differences from the authoring Assembly
Unofficial version differs from the original design and content (added some utilities, which the author considers redundant for the Assembly/removed in the author's version, or it is not included), left the Linux utilities, a slightly different set of DOS Utilities menu appears a Gopher, WinPE builds on Acronis Backup & Recovery, deleted games. Also, usually in an informal version includes all updates (at the time of the neoficialki Assembly).


Author conty9 for kindly providing assistance in upgrading its Assembly 2 k 10 Multiboot DVD/USB/HDD to the current version.


Version history
30.03.2017 Version 7.6
Changes: Updated application block assemblies, the anti-virus database, DriverPacks.
06.03.2017 Version 7.5
Changes: Updated application block assemblies.
22.02.2017 Version 7.4
Changes: updated all WinPE kernel updated application block assemblies, bootmgr 8.1, BCD-menu. Removed Parted Magic (present in the hand a separate folder).
03.02.2017 Version 7.2
Changes: updated all WinPE kernel updated application block assemblies, all versions of TeraByte.
27.12.2016 Version 4.1
Changes: Updated application block assemblies, the anti-virus database; Linux version: Parted Magic; DOS-version: HDDaRTs, HDAT2.
24.06.2016 Version 4.0
Changes: updated all WinPE kernel updated application block assemblies, the anti-virus database, DriverPacks.
15.05.2016 Version 6.3.3
Changes: updated application block assemblies, all versions of TeraByte, the loader GRLDR.
01.05.2016 Version 6.3.2
Changes: updated application block assemblies, all anti-virus databases version TeraByte; Linux version: Parted Magic.
06.04.2016 Version 6.3.1
Changes: updated some browsers, Dart & RE.
22.03.2016 Version 6.3
Changes: updated all WinPE kernel updated application block assemblies, the anti-virus database; Linux version: Parted Magic.
26.02.2016 Version 6.1.1
Changes: updated kernel C9PE, updated application block assemblies.
16.02.2016 version 6.1
Changes: updated all WinPE kernel updated application block assemblies, color menu for the DVD version of EFI.
07.02.2016 version 6.0
Changes: added a 7h64 kernel. Updated bootloader bootmgr 8.1, BCD-menu and EFI menu.
01.02.2016 Version 5.20
Changes: updated all WinPE kernel 7h64 kernel replacement at 1064, updated application block assemblies, bootmgr 8.1, all versions of Paragon, BCD-menu and EFI menu. Now the Assembly supports the work of the second (invisible to OS/re) partition pendrive.
30.11.2015 Version 5.18.2.
Changes: Updated application block assemblies, bootmgr 8.1, all versions of TeraByte; DOS version: BootIt Bare Metal, HDDaRTs, HDAT2; BCD-menu and EFI menu, files 2 k 10 \ BCD boot.sdi and transferred 2 k 10 folder \ Fonts.
15.10.2015 Version 5.18.1.
Changes: Updated application block assemblies; Linux version: Partition Wizard. Under the new version of the addon updated BCD-menu and WIN_XP. LST.
02.10.2015 Version 5.18
Changes: updated kernel 7/8 x 86 application block assemblies DriverPacks; Linux version: Parted Magic; DOS-version: HDDaRTs, Miray HDClone.
24.08.2015 Version 5.17
Changes: updated application block assemblies, all anti-virus databases version Paragon; DOS-version: PartitionGuru; Gopher menu has been fixed. Removed DOS version: HDAT2, MHDD32, Victoria, FAR & DosWin32.
19.07.2015 Version 5.16
Changes: updated application block assemblies menus is tough/Gopher; added to browsers.
22.06.2015 Version 5.15
Changes: updated kernel 7/8, the application block assemblies, rough/Gopher menus.
05.06.2015 Version 5.14
Changes: updated kernel 7, the application block assemblies, the anti-virus database, EFI menu.
15.05.2015 Version 5.13.
Changes: updated application block assemblies, all versions of Paragon 2015, WIN_XP menu. LST, XORBOOT loader.
30.04.2015 Version 5.12
Changes: updated kernel 7/8, the application block assemblies, all versions of TeraByte; DOS version: BootIt Bare Metal, HDDaRTs, PartitionGuru, helpy; replaced by scripts (shirts) loader utility connection SetLDR-2k10.exe.
29.03.2015 Version 5.10
Changes: updated kernel 7x64 (fixed Acronis registration Premium), the application block assemblies, helpy.
10.03.2015 Version 5.9.8
Changes: updated kernel 7/8, the application block assemblies, P2Start.exe, fixed the download for EFIx32.
29.02.2015 Version 5.9.7
Changes: updated kernel 7/8, the application block assemblies, all versions of TeraByte EFI menu; Linux version: Partition Wizard; DOS version: BootIt Bare Metal, HDDaRTs, PartitionGuru.
22.01.2015 Version 5.9.6
Changes: Updated application block assemblies, XORBOOT fixed-menu. Under the new version of the addon updated BCD-menu and WIN_XP. LST.
23.12.2014 Version 5.9.5
Changes: updated kernel eights (added support for install.esd when installing tag "Classic install Windows 7-8" on the desktop), the application block assemblies, XORBOOT-menu (added to run Syslinux). Under the new version of the addon updated BCD-menu and WIN_XP. LST; DOS-version: PartitionGuru.
07.12.2014 Version 5.9.4.
Changes: updated application block assemblies, the anti-virus database, BCD-menu, the Linux version of R-Drive/R-Studio.
04.12.2014 Version 5.9.3.
Changes: updated kernel eights and the application block assemblies, all versions of Paragon, BCD-menu.
29.11.2014 Version 5.9.2.
Changes: updated AdMuncher, Aomei Partition Assistant, Easeus Partition Master, Aomei BackUpper, R-Drive GRLDR loader, plop.bin, guest.bin, return.bin; DOS/Linux version: TeraByte; DOS version: BootIt Bare Metal, Paragon HDM.
22.11.2014 Version 5.9.1.
Changes: updated Linux version: Parted Magic, Acronis Snap Deploy.
16.11.2014 Version 5.9.0
Changes: updated kernel eights (integrated DISM 6.3.9600.16384 that allows you to install Windows 8.1 from the mounted image), Paragon HDM, 15 PartitionGuru, R-DriveImage, Uneraser, WinRar Prog2Ram.exe, monozagruzchikov Kit, EFI menu, fixed Wim-soft.wim. Added start menu WIN_XP addons. LST.
01.11.2014 Version 5.8.2.
Changes: updated uVS, ShadowProtect, WinContig, WinNTSetup, anti-virus database, all versions of Paragon; Linux version: Acronis B & R Advanced. Removed Paragon 2014.
27.10.2014 Version 5.8.1
Changes: updated kernel and application block assemblies, the anti-virus database updated with bootmgr 8.1.1, Parted Magic, updated all versions of Paragon; updated DOS-version: HDDaRTs, Miray HDClone. Added Linux version: Acronis Universal Restore v. 11.5.38938. Removed Linux version: Acronis DDS v. 10.2169, Paragon Alignment Tool v. 4.0
14.08.2014 Version 5.6.2
Changes: Updated application block assemblies, the anti-virus database updated with bootmgr 8.1.1, P2Start.exe, look at the changes in the "-Help" in the Work programs through RunScanner.txt
18.07.2014 Version 5.6.0
Changes: Updated application block assemblies. A new method of podkljuchennja software package labels.
21.06.2014 Version 5.4.9
Изменения: Обновлены DFSee, BHORemover, PartitionGuru, R-Drive, Astra32; Active@ Utilites: DiskExplorer, DiskImage, HDHEX-Editor, Uneraser; дос-версии: PartitionGuru, HDDaRTs. Обновлено ядро Акронисов для WinPE: Acronis Disk Director 12 RU (12.0.3223) и Acronis True Image 2014 Premium RU (6673). Добавлены: Acronis-SHELL (только для х86 РЕ), Acronis TIB Browser.
15.06.2014 Версия 5.4.8
Изменения: Обновлены uVS, FAR, STDU-Viewer, RegWorkshop, CCleaner, Aida64, DFSee, R-Studio, C-temp; обновлен Parted Magic; линукс-версия: Acronis B&R.
12.06.2014 Версия 5.4.7
Изменения: Обновлен Parted Magic; дос-версия: HDDaRTs.
09.06.2014 Версия 5.4.6
Изменения: Обновлены все версии TeraByte и Paragon 14 (rus); дос-версии: BootIt Bare Metal, HDDaRTs.
06.06.2014 Версия 5.4.5
Изменения: Обновлены програмный блок: AntiSMS, AkelPad, FAR, TotalCmd, Rufus, FSCapture, PartitionGuru, NetSetMan, WinNtsetup, все версии TeraByte; линукс-версии: Acronis DDH, Partition Wizard; дос-версии: BootIt Bare Metal, Miray HDClone, Partition Guru, HDDaRTs. Удалена дос-версия: MegaDos v.4
29.05.2014 Version 5.4.4
Changes: updated CheckDiskGUI, MoleSVPC, uVS, AntiSMS, Hashes.bin, SysFiles.bin, antivirus database, Linux-version: Acronis DDH, DOS-version: HDAT2. Added By: AntiDust Password Reset.
29.04.2014 Version 5.4.3
Changes: updated Linux version: Acronis TI, R-Studio Emergency (eng/rus), R-Drive Image (eng/rus).
12.04.2014 Version 5.4.2
Changes: updated DrCureIt, uVS, anti-virus database loader Grub4Dos (GRLDR). Returned version: Linux-Acronis Snap Deploy.
28.02.2014 Version 5.4.1
Change: Integrated copyright update to version 5.4.1, updated DOS/Linux version: Paragon HDM 14 (eng).
28.01.2014 Version 5.2.3
Change: Integrated update 5.2 b4, updated all versions of TeraByte.
17.01.2014 Version 5.2.2
Change: Integrated update 5.2 b3, EFI was added-boot from CD.
05.01.2014 Version 5.2.1
Changes: updated Linux version: Acronis TI; DOS utility: Paragon HDM. Added Linux version: Paragon HDM 14 (eng). Removed Linux version: Acronis Snap Deploy.
20.12.2013 version 5.2
Change: Integrated update 5.2 b1, updated the base of Casper/Web.
20.12.2013 Version 5.1.2
Change: Integrated 5.1 b8, fixed menu syslinux.
11.11.2013 version 5.1.1
Changes: updated kernel C9PE, fixed Wim-soft.wim (moved from driver abras ATIH folder), integrated 5.1 b3, fixed registration when you start in 2013 ATIH Win7/64 8.
04.11.2013 Version 5.1.
Changes: updated kernel and programming block of cartoon. Updated several DOS utilities. SV-Micro-PE and RusLive replaced by C9PE MultiMedia 2 k 10 Plus Pack.
12.08.2013 version 4.1.
Changes: updated kernel and programming block of cartoon. Completed reference section again 2k10-FAQ.chm/Flash-Boot-FAQ.chm. Added the ability to download under UEFI from CD or partition FAT/FAT32 flash drive/HDD.
17.04.2013 version 3.0.5.
Changes: added version RE-assemblies based on 8h64 (build Xemom1 from Repak 01.04.13). Updated kernel and programming block of cartoon. Completed reference section again 2k10-FAQ.chm/Flash-Boot-FAQ.chm/Migrate-OS-FAQ.chm.
15.02.2013 Version 3.0.3.
Changes: updated: script for creating a bootable USB drive, kernel and programming block of cartoon.


Multiboot 2 k 10 7.6 Unofficial.iso
SHA-1: F58E6929DABCD5FDC14A2417287EC12FC22EFFEF


To download the entire distribution
Users who do not have the possibility to download the distribution, can download the latest patches to the Assembly here. After downloading, place the corresponding patch in the same folder as our version of an Assembly and run neoficialki to upgrade. On successful completion, receive a new Assembly, and if there is a desire to become on the hand.


Information about MultiBoot 2 k 10 7.6 Unofficial:
Year: 2016
File format: ISO
File size: 4.62 GB
Platform program: h64h86
Interface: Russian, English
Medicine means activation: not required (the installer already disinfected)
Official site: Microsoft



Posted by KAGSCC