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원본은 내리고 없으며, 다만 리뷰일 뿐입니다.

제가 배포할 수 없는 이유를 잘 아실 줄 압니다.

언젠가는 좋은 것으로 여러분과 나눔을 할 수 있는 때도 있겠지요...



Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64 BLaboratory

(02.Jan.2014) [Ru to en-US & en-UK]

with 8.1 AERO Glass Theme & PE & Portables & reg.

on VMware® Workstation 9.0.3 build-1410761





테스트 설치작업 진행 완료합니다...

Source : Windows_8.1_x64_BLaboratory.iso (4.76GB)


1st 준비작업 : Windows 8.1 Ultimate PE 3.1 Booting.

             실컴-VM간 마우스 활성.^^

             중복폴더와 파일 정리 및 삭제 (아직은 Win-8PE x64-AERO or 그 series필요.)


2nd 설치작업 : Install from the install.wim(원본) by WinNTSetup V3.10

             실컴-VM간 마우스 활성.^^


3rd 셋팅작업 : System Setting

             실컴-VM간 마우스 활성.^^


4th 추가작업 : (MultiBooting), Themes, Portables, Setting, etc.

             실컴-VM간 마우스 활성.^^




1st 준비작업 : Windows 8.1 Ultimate PE 3.1 Booting.






2nd 설치작업 - Installed by WinNTSetup V3.10






3rd 셋팅작업 : System Setting






4th 추가작업 - System Tweaked Setting






Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64 BLaboratory (02.01.2014) [Ru]



제공자 스샷





User Since:  January 4, 2014 19:37:23

Size:   4.77 GB
Checking: Attention! Registration is not checked by the moderator!

CRC32: 30734538
MD5: DC7D36F9AD36BC7FB2A892950C6A1D07
SHA-1: 3691E39377BCAF36DE670B6EF63138004F28A1F9


Program version: 2014-01-03
Official site: link
Interface language: English
Author: sto999
Treatment: complete
Type of Medicine: patch KMSAuto Net

System requirements:
* Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster.
* RAM: 2 GB for the 64-bit version.
* Free space on hard disk: 20 GB for 64-bit version.
* Graphics card: DirectX 9 graphics device or a newer version.
* To access the Windows store to download and run the application, you need an active Internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels.
* To bind applications requires a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768

Assembling made on the basis of the original image
Charged to the Sysprep utility system.
The system is cleared:
The Backup folder is empty
Legacy Windows Update and Defender removed.
Nothing is deleted and is not patched.
The system is tested, works stably.
Requires virtually no setup.
Added and changed. Additional information.

Windows Defender and firewall are enabled.
Disabled UAC (control of accounts).
Net Framework 3.5 is enabled
Updated/added Directx 9.10.11
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005-2013
Microsoft Silverlight
Java 7 Update 45 x 86 x 64
WinRAR 3.00 beta 5
Unlocker 1.9.2
Adobe Flash Player 11 Plugin
Adobe Shockwave Player 12.0
Google Chrome
Opera 12.16
The Tor Browser Bundle
RocketDock 1.3.5
The KMPlayer with LAV Filters
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 10.2.2
Install all important updates from 2014-01-03.

Write the image to a USB flash drive (I use Rufus)
Install as usual.
Create a local account (just any name, such as TTT), but go in the system as Admin.
Delete the created account, activate the KMSAuto Net 2014 v1.1.5 Portable EN (on your desktop).
Install the drivers for your hardware.


Posted by KAGSCC